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UN-SCAN-IT Gel Software

Gel Densitometer Highlights

Gel Analyzer Software

What is UN‑SCAN‑IT gel ? How UN‑SCAN‑IT gel Works Features

Windows and Macintosh

36 Years Experience  |  Free Telephone & Email Support!

"Thanks for putting and keeping together a great quantitation/imaging program." - Jerome L., New Jersey, USA

"I have used several other programs for gel analysis over the last few years, and continue to return to UN-SCAN-IT gel as the most efficient and most flexible program available." - Susan B., Missouri, USA

"I've just started using UN-SCAN-IT gel, and just want to say it's a great program." - David H., Australia

What is UN‑SCAN‑IT gel ?

The UN-SCAN-IT gel Analysis Software uses your scanner gel images for gel densitometric analysis, and allows you to automatically analyze gel electrophoresis images. UN‑SCAN‑IT gel works with most image formats (JPG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PNG, etc.) from any scanner, digital camera, or other image source to quantify electrophoresis gels. UN‑SCAN‑IT gel can analyze Northern blots, Ethidium Bromide gels, Agarose gels, Coomassie stains, dot blots, TLC, etc. In addition to the gel analysis features, UN‑SCAN‑IT gel also contains all the (x,y) graph digitizing features of regular UN‑SCAN‑IT.

Instead of guessing at the intensity or location of gel bands, holding gels up to a light to compare band locations and intensities, or waiting in line to use an expensive gel densitometry system... try UN‑SCAN‑IT gel. The UN‑SCAN‑IT gel software is an accurate and easy to use alternative to other gel electrophoresis software.

With UN-SCAN-IT gel you can...

How UN‑SCAN‑IT gel Works

Although the UN-SCAN-IT gel Software has numerous options and features, the basic operation simply consists of converting an image (JPG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PNG, etc.) into pixel density and area values through a few simple gel analysis steps...

Gel Software Steps

UN‑SCAN‑IT gel Features

Gel Densitometry Modes

Newest Features

Tutorial Video

Click Here for Gel Analyzer Tutorial Video...

Additional Information

System Requirements Ordering Info References Screenshots